Legal Services
Legal Services includes:
- Business registration/liquidation support (Registration of organizations, as well as its branches and representations, registration of Individual entrepreneurs, conducting changes, involvement in liquidation and bankruptcy processes, etc.)
- Collaboration with state and communal authorities, intermediary between state and organizations.
- Intellectual property rights registration, consulting and guidance.
- Legal contract services (employment contracts and agreements, service agreements, project execution agreements, sales and purchase agreements, rental agreements, etc.).
- Compliance review and verification to the existing contracts and other documents with the RA legislation.
- Labor disputes counseling, labor law protection.
- Anti-competitive business practices (abuse of dominant position, anti-competitive agreements, unfair competition, etc.).
- Legal consulting.
- Legal counsel advice.
- Conducting negotiations and reaching agreements on organization’s behalf.
- Representation in Civil Court of Appeal, Criminal Court of Appeal, and Administrative Court of Appeal.